Technical Papers
A complete list of available Technical Papers
21X PROM Replacement Procedure (App. Note Code: 1D-J)
A Better Way to Write High-Frequency Data to 16 GB and Smaller CF Cards (3SM-G)
AlphaGUARD Radon Monitor Interfaced with the CR1000 Datalogger
An eddy-covariance system with an innovative vortex intake for measuring carbon dioxide and water fluxes of ecosystems
BACnet to Modbus Protocol Conversion (App. Note: 1M-C)
Benefits of Input Reversal and Excitation Reversal for Voltage Measurements
Campbell Scientific Control Systems for Absolute Cavity Radiometer
CF Card Information (3SM-F)
ClimaVUE™50—Correction of air temperature measurements from a radiation-exposed sensor
CM225, CM255, CM255LS Pyranometer Mounting Brackets
CM270 Installation Guide
Compact Sampling Systems for Measuring Atmospheric Trace Gas Profiles
Comparison of the CS310 and LI190R Quantum Sensors
Configuring WiBox WBX2100E (App. Note Code: 3C-S)
Considering Variability and Uncertainty (App. Note: 2S-J)
CR10 PROM Replacement Procedure (App. Note Code: 1D-T)
CR300 Series: CELL200-Series Cellular Module Firmware Update
CR300-Series-WiFi Daughter Board OS Update Procedure
CR6-WiFi Daughter Board OS Update Procedure to Resolve the KRACK Vulnerability
CR9032 versus CR9031 CPU Modules for CR9000(X) (1D-V)
CS110 Electric Field Meter Overview
CSAT3: Instructions to Update Embedded Software (2WI-M)
Damping Temperature Fluctuations in the EC155 Intake Tube
Data Streaming
Designing Physical Network Layouts for the CPI Bus
DNP3 with Campbell Scientific Dataloggers
Druck's Model PDCR 1230 and 1830 Pressure Transducers (2D-P)
EC150, IRGASON, or EC155: Which CO2 and H2O Eddy-Covariance System Is Best for My Application?
EdiRe Software for Micrometeorological Applications
EKO MS-700 Spectroradiometer Interfaced with a CR3000 Datalogger (App. Note Code: 2RA-J)
EKO MS-710 and MS-712 Broadband Infrared Spectroradiometers (WISER Series) with CR3000 Datalogger (App. Note Code: 2RA-K)
EmailRelay() Function
Eppley PIR Precision Infrared Radiometer (2RA-H)
Eppley PSP Precision Spectral Pyranometer (2RA-A)
From Sensor to Decision: Evapotranspiration
Getting Started with the MeteoPV
GPS16X-HVS Firmware Update Procedure
Heat Index (5-S)
IceFree3A and IceFree3V Interfaced with Campbell Scientific Dataloggers
Innovative Sensor Design for Prevention of Bio-fouling
Instrumentation for Making High-Precision Dynamic Vibrating-Wire Measurements Using Standard Single-Coil Gages
Irrometer 950R1-O/950T Radio Network (App.Note: 3MI-F)
Keeping Pests Away from Equipment (5-Y)
Kipp & Zonen's CSD1 Sunshine Duration (App. Note Code: 2RA-F)
Line of Sight Obstruction
Measuring a PRT or Thermistor without a Completion Resistor
Measuring Current Output Transducers with Campbell Scientific Dataloggers (2MI-B)
MeteoPV Troubleshooting Tips
Modbus: Using Campbell Scientific Dataloggers as Modbus Slave Devices in a SCADA Network
Molecular Sieve CO2 and H2O Scrubbing Solution
OBS and Turbidity Sensors Basics (2Q-P)
OBS: Comparison of Suspended Solids Concentration (SSC) and Turbidity
OBS: Effects of Bubbles
OBS: Effects of Light Absorption and Scattering in Water Samples on Measurements
OBS: Effects of Suspended Solids Concentration (SSC)
OBS Measurements: Effects of Sediment Color
OBS Measurements: Effects of Sediment Size
OBS Measurements: Effects of Water Color
OBS Sensor: Effects of Fouling on the Lens
OBS Sensors: Light Sources and Photodetectors
OBS Sensors: Sediment Calibration
OBS Sensors: Turbidity Calibration
On-line Estimation of Grass Reference ET with CSI Automated Weather Stations
Ott Parsivel Disdrometer Present Weather Sensor (2MI-U)
PC208W Installed as a Service on a Windows NT Workstation (App. Note Code: 3C-O)
Power Supplies (5-F)
Preventing and Attacking Measurement Noise Problems
Programming 4-20 mA for Flow Proportional Sampling
Protecting Your Copy of PC208W and Its Configuration Files (3C-P)
Quantifying Frequency Response of a Low-power Closed-path CO2 and H2O Eddy-covariance System
Recovery of the three-dimensional wind and sonic temperature data from a physically deformed sonic anemometer
Reduced Set Evapotranspiration Station (4-T)
Replacing the Vortex Intake in an Older EC155
RF401-to-CR206 Communications: Quick Reference Guide
Running PC9000 with Dynamic Data Exchange (3C-Q)
SDMS Mulitpoint Snow Depth Measurement System
Sentry Visibility Sensor by EnviroTech (2MI-P)
Serial Sensors: Interfacing with CSI Dataloggers (App. Note Code: 2MI-V)
Shaft Encoders for Water Resources Applications (2D-C)
Soil-specific calibration procedure for volumetric water content sensors
Soil Water Content: Considering Variability and Uncertainty
Soil Water Content: How many measurements are enough? (App. Note: 2S-G)
Soil water status: content and potential (2S-I)
StarDot's NetCam Digital Camera used with DGR-115 Freewave Radios & NL100 (3MI-E)
Surge protector kits: installation and troubleshooting
TDR: Reducing rod length to improve water content measurements (2S-H)
The CPEC310 Advantage
The IRGASON Advantage
The Link Budget and Fade Margin
Time Division Polling
Trans-Lux Message Center (4-U)
TX321/TX320 Firmware Update Procedure
Using the HP200LX with CSI Dataloggers and Storage Modules (3C-H)
Using Thermistor Temperature Sensors with Campbell Scientific Dataloggers
Using the RV50(X) to Communicate with the MeteoPV
UTBASE Corrosion Testing
Voltage Measurement Accuracy, Self-Calibration, and Ratiometric Measurements
Weatherproofing Exterior Antenna Connections
Wind Chill (2T-M)